It’s always better when your customers come to you – right? Why make sales calls when you could have interested parties knocking on your door?

So, how do you go about getting leads for your business? Maybe you go to networking events or publish a blog every so often – and maybe you’re wanting to do more.

What is inbound marketing?

When people talk about inbound marketing, they’re basically talking about online lead generation. Inbound marketing is the primary marketing approach for most businesses worldwide, including 79% of north American businesses.

Worldwide, marketers prefer inbound marketing because it works. It’s more effective, costs less, has a higher ROI, and provides higher quality leads than outbound strategies.

How to build your lead generation strategy

A good digital lead generation strategy is multi-faceted (link to Blog1), using many approaches across a variety of platforms. But the goal is always the same – attracting people to your business.

When you’ve already caught someone’s interest, it’s much easier to get the ball rolling and get them on the road to becoming a happy customer.

These days the best way to get someone to show interest in your company is through a blog, sending email, watching a video, or something similar.  A typical lead gen cycle begins when a user clicks a call-to-action or CTA like “Learn more!” or “Get Your Free Guide”. This leads to a landing page (essentially a web page with a form on it). Once the form captures the email address, you’ve got a lead. High five!

Inbound leads can come from many places:

Once you’ve got the warm lead, you can start nurturing the relationship through email.

Effectiveness varies by channel, industry, and the type of content you’re putting out there – but a good strategy can certainly mean more money for your business.

Measuring the effectiveness of your lead gen strategy

How much do you know about the people visiting your website? Do you know which pages they visited, how long they stayed, and what path they took before filling out a contact form?

We can help you create, execute, track, and optimize amazing offers for all stages of the customer journey. Contact us today to talk about how to generate more, and higher quality leads for your business through inbound marketing.


Read more about optimizing your website for lead generation

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